Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

November 7, 2012

I have received a number of emails and posts on Facebook this morning either exulting victory or weeping in defeat. I, a Romney supporter, am not depressed. Our country will survive. Those who disagree with me can consider Canada, Mexico or Cuba, all bordering our country or close to it.

I do not view Barak Obama as an evil person. The country has held together during the last four years and all the other four year periods during which certain people thought it would fall apart. I know we are staring bankruptcy in the face, but I imagine our leaders will be able to pull together before we fall over the cliff. I read what people said about Abraham Lincoln when he was president. It is enough to make one's blood boil.

Our daughter Karen said it best: "I have a roof over my head, food, a car to drive. I'm okay." She's right, We live in a blessed country. We live lives of ease and comfort that kings 100 years ago would have killed for. We'll be alright.

I pray for our leaders and that they will be blessed with wisdom and strength. So may we.