I believe...
Years ago, there was a popular song, "I Believe." I believed as I heard that song as a boy and I believe now. On this Easter Sunday, I believe that Jesus Christ lived and died for my sins and for the sins of all the world, believer and non-believer. I believe that as I turn my heart to him, he will turn to me and bless me. As I pray in his name, I recall he prayed, not to himself, but to his Father who is the Father of us all. When he prayed, '...if possible, take this cup from me," he was not asking himself to take the cup away, he was asking his Father in Heaven.
I believe that he was born of an earthly mother and a Heavenly Father through a conception we do not understand. As he lived, he was a perfect man. He wanted us to follow his example. Mercifully, he gave us the process of repentance which we can apply when we fall short. That process gives us the privilege of learning from our own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others.
I believe that Christ atoned for each person who lives, will live or has lived on this earth. He loves each of us so much that he was willing to suffer for each one as we try to become more like him. He did not make any exceptions. He cares for us no matter who we are or our station in life. He wants each of us to come and live with him in his many mansions.
I believe that through trying to follow his example, I can become a better man, husband, father and neighbor. I believe as I try, he will make up the difference between what I am and what I could be. I believe that the process of following his example will help me to be more patient, tolerant and kind, making the world a better place for me and those with whom I come in contact.
My belief brings me joy. It give me perspective and enables me to be patient with my mistakes and short comings as well as those of others. It helps me realize that when I suffer or a loved one suffers, I have the perspective to understand that this life is temporary and that there are lessons to be learned along the way.
I am grateful for what I believe and know to be true. I worship him who gave so much. I know that the day will come when I will bow at his feet and be with those I love and hold dear. I am thankful for this Easter Sunday which reminds me of him.
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