Women are smarter than men. A great proportion of men are not men at all, but boys. They have never grown up. It seems a number of women, attractive, intelligent women, have been abandoned by "men." Arnold Schwarzenegger would lead the pack. He is no man. He is just an emotional boy pretending to be a man and he has a lot of company.
What separates a man from a boy?
A man takes responsibility for his own behavior. He can hold a job and improve himself to move ahead in that job. He is on time, respectful to his superiors and gives a little extra. When he is on company time, he give his best and does not fudge on his time. He knows how to work hard and be loyal.
He knows that 2+2=4. In other words, he can handle money. He doesn't cheat or steal, he knows how to live within his means. The attractions of possessions does not cause him to deny basics for his family.
A man knows how control his testosterone. A real man, will resist the temptation of what might look like the green grass on the other side of the fence. He doesn't fool around, only boys do that. If married, a real man will honor his commitment to his wife. He is willing to tell his wife that he is tempted by someone else, be open about it and take the consequences. He doesn't keep secrets from his wife. He recognizes that marriage is a continuing series of fallings in and out of love with one's spouse. He understands that the attractions of the day will not equal the rewards of a faithful relationship now and in future years.
He is honest. He is not afraid to be open and honest with his spouse and children. That does not mean he needs to reveal every fleeting thought that passes through his mind. He will cover the basics and be emotionally forthright.
A man will not try to dominate or overly assert himself in his relationships. He communicates and listens. He respects family members especially when conflicts arise, which they will. His ego is not so fragile that he cannot admit a mistake or be willing to do something differently for a change.
A man realizes those with whom he lives have needs that may require the sacrifice of his own desires from time to time. He is willing to give his spouse and children time and space to be who they are, not who he wants them to be. A true man will not force his will.
As women look for the characteristics of true men and not accept boys as they are, more boys will will want to grow to be men.
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