Sunday, April 17, 2011

I am, indeed back in the desert!

It is 96 degrees outside and going higher. It is a reminder that I am, yes, back in the desert. When we moved in February, it was too cold to plant a garden, now it is too hot. Gazing out my window, I see the sun shining, the tree rusting in the breeze and can almost believe it is habitable outside, yet I know that is not the gentle breeze I see, but a scorching, parching breath from that furnace outside that will in a few moments time mummify anything that is not metal, cement or underground. It's a good thing we have a basement, although I don't know that I want to spend all summer down there.

We have moved to the desert from Payson where a day like today is as bad as it gets. The nights are cool and the mornings a delight. The people are friendly and don't expect much from you. Aside from a batch of angry retirees and few meth addicts, Payson is just about perfect. Okay, I did have to shovel quite a bit of snow in December and January. Contrary to what my doctor thinks, I did get some exercise in the six months.

We moved here to be closer to our children. Well, not so much our children as our grandchildren. We never asked if they wanted to be closer to us. We have made a startling discovery: the grandchildren are busy. They have lives. Their lives have developed form and function... without us. The traditions we gleefully wanted to establish upon moving here have long ago been  set... without us. The pitter-patter of little feet have given away to iPods, ball games and soon to be dates and driver's licenses. But we raised them to be independent and be themselves. There is joy in that.

I'm debating whether I want to sleep in the basement starting in a few weeks. I suppose that would make me a true desert rat. I don't see too many kangaroo rats (our most common variety) out and about in the summer. Those little guys have small brains, but they are not stupid. Not as stupid as I was to move back to the desert.

Oh, here's a phone call. Strawberry shortcake? The grandchildren will be there? Sure, we'll be right over!


  1. We hear you! Why are we moving to Gilbert from Payson at the beginning of the summer?! I thought it was supposed to be the other way around! When we do move, we'll lend you our kids to satisfy your need for little ones!

  2. Payson was even more close to perfect when you were here! We miss you. Escape the heat whenever possible and come visit!
